Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Good Week

This week has been good. I must have needed that cry last week. There were a few things I wanted to share with you.

  1. Please take a moment to visit my friend Julie who lost her daughter about three weeks after I lost mine. She's been having a hard time, and has started a blog to help her "get it out". I have said this before, but I'll say it again- I don't know where I would be without this blog. That is the truth. I'm not being overdramatic. I really, truly feel that writing, and being able to be honest and heard has helped more than anything else. This is the one place (besides my grief board) that I don't have to have a brave face. Where I can say where I want and you know why I'm saying it. Thank you.
  2. Someone on my grief board told me that her mother saw a picture of Brenna (I believe it's the one above) and made gowns to donate to the hospital based on her picture. She even remembered her name. It meant so much. I didn't even know what to say. It literally brought me to tears. I would love to quote her here, but I won't do that without her permission, but I will say that she said some very heartfelt things that I will never forget. (Holly, if you are reading this, it meant more than you will ever know. Thank you.)
  3. I spent the 4th of July with a pregnant lady and didn't even realize it. You know how huge that is. Especially since she is due just 8 days after I was. It never even occured to me to not like her or to be mad at her. I didn't bother me. That is huge. Huge. Huge. I don't even know what else to say about that.
  4. Finally (happily) I've discovered the website Scrapblog. Hello, I am in love. I am seriously addicted. I love to scrapbook, but honestly, I suck at it. I have tons of scrapbooking crap that never sees the light of day. Scrapblog is much easier, because it is all done on the computer (which I am good at). Just wanted to warn you, because I am sure I will be boring you with all kinds of new pictures and pages. Be prepared.

That's about it. This really has been a peaceful week. I held a baby today and didn't think twice about it. I am really (finally) feeling good. You probably noticed I changed the layout of my blog. I really felt like it was time for a change. I'm feeling different, so I wanted my blog to look different- if that makes any sense.

Have a great week, friends.

1 comment:

Aunt Becky said...

I'm so glad that you're having a good week. I love the new look!