Sunday, December 28, 2008


This is my first show and tell. This picture was taken back on the 10th. I've been meaning to share it with you, but just haven't gotten to it. I was having a normal day, and I stopped at home to get the mail before I picked up my son from school. As I walked up the driveway to the mailbox, the sun nearly blinded me. I snapped this picture with my camera phone. I wish it showed the beams from the sun, and how they reflected on the snow. It was absolutely beautiful.

When I shared it with a friend, she made a reference that it was the baby trying to communicate with me. The thought had never even occurred to me. I'm not sure I believe that. I witnessed beautiful things in nature before loosing my baby, and I can't really give her credit for the beautiful things I see after her death. It's all a little too hocus-pocus for me. Instead I choose to be grateful that I can still see the beauty in this earth. If that beauty happens to remind me, or anyone else, of my little girl- well, that's just icing on the cake.

Edited to add: This comment was left for me by Ciaran's mom, "Maybe our babies don't make the moments, but maybe they sometimes point things out to us that we might have otherwise have missed" Point well taken. I think I may have been to cynical, and should be a little more open. Thank you!


'Murgdan' said...

It's a beautiful picture--thanks for sharing it!

bir said...

It's a beautiful scene!
I've always appreciated beautiful moments in nature, but now I do think of Ciaran whenever something special happens... a sunset, a butterfly, a waterdrop on a flower...
Maybe our babies don't make the moments, but maybe they sometimes point things out to us that we might have otherwise have missed...


B's Mom said...

That is something I didn't think of before. Thanks for pointing it out! :)

mrsmuelly said...

Beautiful! I have to agree...I think our babies just heighten our awareness sometimes.

JuliaS said...

Lovely picture. Thank you for sharing!

Kristin said...

What a stunning picture.