Monday, December 29, 2008


I recently celebrated my birthday. I was unsure how I would feel on that day, because last year I was pregnant with Brenna on my birthday. Like usual, it wasn't at horrible as I anticipated. We went out with my brothers, cousin, and some other friends to a bar to watch my brother in law play in his band. We really had a lot of fun. The next day my husband even commented that it was good to see (and hear) me laugh so much. It was one of my best nights of 2008 (which isn't saying much because '08 was so crappy, but you get the idea). I really had a fantastic time.

My brother's girlfriend couldn't go with us, but met us back at my brother's house. JJ and I stayed there since we live about an hour away from where we were going, and they live about 3 blocks. My brother has been dating her on and off for about 7 years. It hasn't been until this year that I really have started to count her as a real friend. We've grown close this past year. She's one of the very few (OK, only) people who I talk to about Brenna or how I'm dealing with it. I don't talk with her about it much, but I do talk with her which is more than I can say for most people. I just really like her a lot, and trust her completely (which is a lot because I have MAJOR trust issues). Anyway, she offered to carry a baby for us. And she was dead serious. I was actually speechless. I didn't even know what to say. That is the nicest thing anyone has ever offered me. I know that it is not an option. For one, surrogacy is illegal in my state. Even if it were legal, she is not a candidate because she has never had any children of her own. But still, the fact that she even thought about it means the entire world to me. I just love her so much for thinking of me. Now, if I could just convince my brother to marry her...


Kristin said...

How absolutely wonderful of her to offer! She sounds like a wonderful person.

CLC said...

Wow, that is unbelievable! What a fabulous friend to have!

Cara said...

Holli- Hi. My name is Cara and Kristin sent me this way. I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to Brenna, your sweet girl. We lost our first, Emma Grace, in Sept of 2000 and I still struggle. Please feel free to click over and get to know our story. I plan on reading yours from the start.