Saturday, February 7, 2009


My husband and I have been bickering a lot lately, which is very uncharacteristic of us. We ususally get along very well, and enjoy each other's company. Lately, we have been really getting on each other's nerves. I have to admit that I am mostly to blame. I have not been a very happy person lately. I think partly it's a raging case of PMS. But part of it is probably the time of year. My poor husband. I have not been a very nice wife lately. I'm trying to not be such a bitch. Sometimes it's hard, I'll admit it. Sometimes I catch myself being mean to him, and I really feel bad. The other morning he asked me why I was in such a bad mood. To which I replied, "I can't always be happy. I can't shit rainbows everyday!" Of course he found this hysterical, and has not let me forget it. So today when I found this online I was tempted to buy it for him. I'm thinking Valentines Gift...


Kara said...

That's hilarious!!!! I hope ya'll can find your groove again soon.

mrsmuelly said...

Hilarious!!! Of course you can't always be sunshine and's so good that you two can laugh it out though :-)

m said...

OMG. Rainbow poop. I love this. And I love Blik. You should totally do it.