Sunday, May 17, 2009


Angelina Jolie is pregnant again? (Must be true, read it in Star!) Am I the only one who seriously hates this chick? How come she gets to have all the kids?


Mrs. Mother said...

I don't like her either. I think she and Brad Pitt have glamourized adultery. I feel sorry for all the children when they do split up, which is inevitable.

Breanna said...

OMG she annoys the crap out of me! makes me sick!

Funsize said...

I think the same thing. Is it bad that I hope one of those celebrities suffers a loss like us, so that maybe they can bring awareness to losing babies? Yeah, it probably is, but it doesn't stop me from thinking it.

B's Mom said...

I remember when Rev Run from Run DMC lost his baby a year or so ago. Instead of taking a great opportunity to create awareness they went in the opposite direction and said how they don't keep pictures of her. Don't talk about her. Don't sit around and feel sad or miss her. Instead they adopted a little baby and pretended the other baby never happened. It made me so mad. Still does.

Jen said...

She is one fertile heifer. But, I don't believe anything until I see it on People magazine :)