Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So my son went to camp this week. They offer bus service, but it meets in a place that was puzzling to me. It's north of us, and the camp is south of us, so why would the bus meet north? I'm guessing so kids from "Up North" (as we Michiganders call it) could attend camp. We were going to have to drop him off. I googled it, and it should take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours to get there.

Saturday we're getting around, ready to drop him off. We planned on leaving early to go eat lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. I go to print out the map from mapquest so we know where we are going. Oh, wait, what's this? I read the location of the camp wrong? It's actually in the UPPER PENINSULA of Michigan!?! Oh yes, my friends. The camp was almost 5 hours NORTH!

Here is a little visual for you. I thought we had to go to the red dot, but we actually had to go to the gray dot. How in the world did I make this mistake? I have no idea.

Would you believe we made it there just as they were wrapping up registration. We did.

This one is going down in the books at one of my dumbest mistakes ever.

(Oh, and he's taking the bus home! Now it all makes sense to me.)

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